Victor Abramovich Zuckerman (1903–1988)

Main Article Content

Grigory R. Konson


The article is devoted to the legacy of the outstanding Russian
scholar, musician and illuminator, Victor Abramovich
Zuckerman. Along with demonstrating the musician’s formation
as a personality, the author traces out the formation of his method
of integral analysis. On the material of the musicologist’s famous
texts – “B. Schechter’s Symphonic Suite ‘Turkmenistan’,”
“The Dynamic Principle in Musical Form,” “Glinka’s
‘Kamarinskaya’ and its Traditions in Russian Music,” “About
the Musical Language of N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov,” “Notes on
Chopin’s Musical Language” and “The Descriptive Means of
Tchaikovsky’s Lyricism,” the author of the article demonstrates
how Zuckerman with the aid of the method of analysis created
by him discloses the artistic picture of the world, in which reality
is realized in a harmonious unity and diversity. By means of this
musical analysis, formed as a result of the organic interaction of
various spheres of science and art, the scholar immersed himself
into the content of the most diverse sign systems and decoded
them for musicology.

Keywords: Victor Tsukkerman, Russian musicology,
Frederic Chopin, Piotr Tchaikovsky, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov,
method of integral analysis, artistic image

Article Details

How to Cite
Konson, G. R. (2014). Victor Abramovich Zuckerman (1903–1988). Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 34–41. Retrieved from
Creative Profiles of Musicologists
Author Biography

Grigory R. Konson, Maimonides State Classical Academy

Doctor of Arts, Professor,
Chairman of the Department of History
and Theory of the Art of Performance


1. Asaf’ev B. V. O napravlennosti formy u Chaykovskogo [About the Direction of Tchaikovsky’s Musical Form]. Asaf’ev B. V. O muzyke Tchaykovskogo [About the Music of Tchaikovsky]. Leningrad, 1972, pp. 67–73.
2. Vospominaniya Viktora Abramovicha Tsukkermana, prodiktovannye i napisannye im v kontce zhizni [The Memoirs of Victor Abramovich Zuckerman, Dictated and Written by Him Towards the End of His Life]. V. A. Tsukkerman – muzykant, uchyonyy, chelovek. Stat’i, vospominaniya, materialy [V. A. Zuckerman – Musician, Scholar, Man. Articles, Memoirs, Materials]. Executive Editor G. L. Golovinskiy. Moscow, 1994, pp. 91–142.
3. Kommentariy [Commentaries]. Ibid, pp. 142–145.
4. Mazel’ L. A., Tsukkerman V. A. Analiz muzykal’nykh proizvedeniy: Elementy muzyki i metodika analiza malykh form [Analysis of Musical Compositions: Elements of Music and Methodology of Analysis of Small Forms]. Moscow: Muzyka Press, 1967. 752 p.
5. Riemann H. Muzykal’nyy slovar’ [Musical Dictionary]. Translated from the German by B. Jurgenson; translations, addendum, revision by Yu. Engel. Moscow: P. Jurgenson, 1901. 1536 p.
6. Tsukkerman V. A. Vyrazitel’nye sredstva liriki Tchaykovskogo [The Expressive Means of Tchaikovsky’s Lyricism]. Moscow: Muzyka Press, 1971. 248 p.
7. Tsukkerman V. A. Dinamicheskiy printsip v muzykal’noy forme [The Dynamic Principle in Musical Form]. Tsukkerman V. A. Muzykal’no-teoreticheskie Ocherki i Etyudy [Music Theory Essays and Sketches]. Issue 1. Mo, sc1o9w70, pp. 19–120.
8. Tsukkerman V. A. «Kamarinskaya» Glinki i ee traditsii v russkoy muzyke [Glinka’s “Kamarinskaya” and Its Traditions in Russian Music]. Moscow: Sovetskiy kompozitor Press, 1975. 464 p.
9. Tsukkerman V. A. Muzykal’no-teoreticheskie ocherki. O muzykal’noy rechi N. A. Rimskogo-Korsakova [Essays on Music Theory. On the Musical Language of N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov]. Issue 2. Moscow: Sovetskiy kompozitor Press, 1975. 464 p.
10. Tsukkerman V. A. Ne zabyvat’ o muzyke [Do not Forget About Music]. Sovetskaya muzyka [Soviet Music], 1983, no. 11, pp. 52–56.
11. Tsukkerman V. A. O nekotorykh osobykh vidakh tselostnogo analiza [On Certain Special Types of Integral Analysis]. Tsukkerman V. A. Muzykal’no-teoreticheskie Ocherki i Etyudy [Music Theory Essays and Sketches]. Issue 1. Moscow, 1970, pp. 409–426.
12. Tsukkerman V.A. O syuzhete i muzykal’nom yazyke opery-byliny «Sadko» [On the Subject and the Musical Language of the Epic Opera “Sadko”]. Sovetskaya muzyka [Soviet Music], 1933, no. 3, pp. 46–73.
13. Tsukkerman V. A. O teoreticheskom muzykoznanii [About Theoretical Musicology]. Tsukkerman V. A. Muzykal’noteoreticheskie Ocherki i Etyudy [Essays and Sketches on Music Theory]. Issue 1. Moscow, 1970, pp. 5–18.
14. Tsukkerman V. A. Pod kriticheskim uglom zreniya [In a Critical Perspective]. Muzykal’nyy sovremennik: sb. st. [The Musical Contemporary: a Collection of Articles]. Editor L. V. Danilevich, Compiler S. S. Ziv. Issue 4. Moscow, 1983, pp. 304–327.
15. Tsukkerman V. A. «Turkmeniya» Shekhtera [“Turkmenistan” Suite by Schechter]. Sovetskaya muzyka [Soviet Music], 1936, no. 4, pp. 24–51.
16. Tsukkerman V. A. Tselostnyy analiz muzykal’nykh proizvedeniy i ego metodika [Integral Analysis of Musical Compositions and Its Methods]. Intonatsiya i muzykal’nyy obraz: st. i issl. muzykovedov Sovetskogo Soyuza i dr. sots. stran [Intonation and Musical Image: Research Articles by Musicologists from the Soviet Union and Other Socialist Countries]. General editor: B. M. Yarustovsky. Moscow, 1965, pp. 264–320.

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