The Issue of the Genesis of the Italian Oratorio

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Grigory R. Konson


The article is devoted to the twofold issue of the genesis and the specificity of Italian oratorios which has not yet
received its solution up to now. Stemming from this issue, the author disclosed two principally important indicators of
genre. The first one is related to form and content, which was expressed in the presence of the moralistic sacred dialogue
and presumes an ethical-philosophical argument. The second is the socially communicative indicatory. Basing himself
on these factors, the author considers Emilio de’ Cavalieri’s “Rappresentatione di Anima, et di Corpo” [Representation
of the Soul and the Body] to be the first European oratorio. The researcher connects the new turn of development of the
oratorio with the name of Giacomo Carissimi, the director of the chief center of education for Jesuits in Rome. In his
Latin oratorios the composer brought in real-life images and demonstrated them in their conflicting contrariety.
On the basis of analysis of musical compositions from the 17th century (Cavalieri’s “Rappresentatione di Anima,
et di Corpo” and Carissimi’s “Jephte”) the author comes to the conclusion that Cavalieri’s musical compositions
represented the allegorical type of European oratorio, whereas Carissimi created a style of oratorio endowed with
concrete plots.

Keywords: Emilio de’ Cavalieri, Giacomo Carissimi, “Rappresentatione di Anima, et di Corpo”, “Jephte”, Italian
oratorio, opera, sacred dialogue.

Article Details

How to Cite
Konson, G. R. (2017). The Issue of the Genesis of the Italian Oratorio. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 58–71.
International Division
Author Biography

Grigory R. Konson, Russian State Social University

Dr. Sci. (Arts), Head of Department of Applied Doctoral Studies and Preparation
of Research Assistants, Professor at the Department of Sociology and Philosophy of Culture


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