The Artistic Revelations of Leo Mazel

Main Article Content

Grigory R. Konson


The article is devoted to one of the founders of Russian musicology, Leo Abramovich Mazel. Together with his
colleagues, Victor Tsukkerman and Iosif Ryzhkin, the scholar introduced into musicology the universal method of
integral analysis of artistic texts, which has played an immense role in Russian musical scholarship. Having brought
together the fields of aesthetics and music theory, he studied the inner mechanisms of their connections, having
revealed the aesthetic principles of artistic impact of music on the listener. Nonetheless, the formation of this method
on the part of Mazel was not a monosemantic process. Paradoxically, its foundations and repudiations in the research
of the scholar were asserted in a parallel manner. This phenomenon testifies to the fact that he was always engaged
in a constant search for scholarly methodology for cognition of the essence of artistic texts. As a result his search led
to a new understanding of the method of integral analysis, which helped Mazel solve the main task standing before
the researcher – to disclose the artistic revelation in music. Having systematized the various means of its discovery,
the scholar typified the phenomena of the human being’s inner and outer world in a single entirety and connected it
with the communicative principles of music, having shown in total the specimens of his vision of the world, based
on a paradoxical interaction of dialectic oppositions.

Keywords: Mazel, music theory, integral analysis, the musical image, motive, artistic discovery, content and form
in music.

Article Details

How to Cite
Konson, G. R. (2016). The Artistic Revelations of Leo Mazel. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 100–116.
International Division
Author Biography

Grigory R. Konson, Rossiyskiy gosudarstvennyy sotsial’nyy universitet / Russian State Social University

Dr. Sci. (Arts),
Head of Department of Applied Doctoral Studies
and Preparation of Research Assistants,
Professor at the Department of Sociology
and Philosophy of Culture


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