Semantic Processes in the Embellishment Thematicism of Baroque Instrumental Compositions (on the Example of Basso-Ostinato Genres)

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Irina V. Alexeyeva


The article presents the results of research of the semantic organization of the embellishment (upper) thematic stratum in basso-ostinato genres in the seldom researched and virtually unperformed instrumental music of the late 17th and early 18th century. The figured-melodic thematicism of the basso-ostinato genres is examined as an autonomous textual stratum. The phenomenon of semantic and structural modifications of intonation-based vocabulary permeating the thematicism of the upper thematic stratum is studied from the positions of a semiotic approach. The processes generation of meaning of the text are shown: adaptation of the lexemes in the context of linear thematicism; the horizontal and vertical interaction of the lexemes; the synthesis of the lexemes of the scalar-modal and plastic etymology: the folding of the semantic figure into a lexeme and the reverse process of unfolding. The universal laws of the “semantization” and “desemantization” of the lexeme are revealed during the process of its transfer into the semantic figure. The author comes to the conclusion of the individualization of the embellishment thematicism in Baroque instrumental compositions, the image-bearing world of which is characterized by a notional polyphony. Study of the intertextual and innertextual semantic processes within the upper thematic stratum of the basso-ostinato reveals the process of formation of instrumental thematicism in Western European Baroque Music.

Keywords: intonation-based vocabulary, musical lexeme, semantic figure, ornamental thematicism, Western European Baroque instrumental music, basso-ostinato genres


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How to Cite
Alexeyeva, I. V. (2015). Semantic Processes in the Embellishment Thematicism of Baroque Instrumental Compositions (on the Example of Basso-Ostinato Genres). Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (3), 15–23.
Musical Genre and Style
Author Biography

Irina V. Alexeyeva, Ufimskaya gosudarstvennaya akademiya iskusstv im. Zagira Ismagilova / Ufa State Academy of Arts named after Zagir Ismagilov

Dr. Sci. (Arts), Professor,
Research assistant of the Laboratory
for Musical Semantics,
Head of the Music Theory Department


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