To the Problem of Research of the Musical Text of Baroque (On the Examples of Basso Ostinato Genres of Instrumental Music)

Main Article Content

Irina V. Alexeyeva


The article sets the problem of methodology of analysis of meaning
of the musical text of Baroque. The author offers a review of existing
methods of its study on the example of sustained bass compositions. It is
followed by the demonstration of the capacities of semantic analysis of
Baroque music. The technology of such analysis is explained in the
process of study and description of semantic processes of the upper and
lower thematic layers, as well as the system of their coordination in the
artistic text.

Keywords: methodology of semantic analysis, musical text of
Baroque, typological model of basso ostinato

Article Details

How to Cite
Alexeyeva, I. V. (2009). To the Problem of Research of the Musical Text of Baroque (On the Examples of Basso Ostinato Genres of Instrumental Music). Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 5(2), 12–19. Retrieved from
Horizonts of Musicology
Author Biography

Irina V. Alexeyeva, Ufa Sate Academy of Arts named after Zagir Ismagilov

Doctor of Arts, Professor, Chair of the
Department of Music Theory


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