Fritz Heinrich Klein and the Idea of Integral Serialism

Main Article Content

Ekaterina G. Okuneva


Integral serialism is a method of composition that organizes different musical parameters on the basis of the
principle of a series. Although the new type of structuring of musical space was influential in the music written after
World War II, the idea itself of integral serialism arose during the advent of the twelve-tone system, with the creation
of the serial concept as such. The article is devoted to the Austrian composer Fritz Heinrich Klein who was one of the
originators of serial music. In 1921 he composed a piano piece “Die Maschine” opus 1, in which he anticipated the
twelve-tone discoveries of Arnold Schoenberg, as well as the trends of artistic and technical discoveries of subsequent
times. The author of the article considers this composition in the context of the idea of integral serialism. “Die Maschine”
presents an intriguing attempt of organization of pitch, rhythmic and harmonic parameters based on a single serial
principle, which Klein treats in the traditional conceptual categories (musical theme, chord, scale, etc.). The author
draws attention to the fact that the composer openly demonstrated the pre-compositional material by enumerating his
main components in the preface of the piece.
The chief discoveries of Klein were the twelve-point rhythmic theme, the “pyramid chord”, the “mother chord”
and the all-interval twelve-tone row formed on its foundation. The author of the article presents characterization of this
material, indicates at features of its realization in “Die Machine” and draws parallels between the experiments of Klein
and the composers of the post-war period (Messiaen, Babbitt, Nono).

Keywords: Fritz Heinrich Klein, twelve-tone music, integral serialism, pitch row, all-interval twelve-tone row,
rhythmic structure.

Article Details

How to Cite
Okuneva, E. G. (2017). Fritz Heinrich Klein and the Idea of Integral Serialism. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 27–37.
Music of the 20th Century
Author Biography

Ekaterina G. Okuneva, Petrozavodsk State A. K. Glazunov Conservatory

Ph. D. (Arts), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Music Theory
and Composition


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