Ludwig Bussler. Orchestral Transcription of the Keyboard Fugue by J. S. Bach

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Boris D. Napreyev


The Baroque period presents the plethora of achievements
and discoveries. One of them is the emergence of symphonic
orchestra, the event that cast the new light on the paths of
music, on the musical language, on the principles of form
building and the fates of the genres. However, the birth of
the orchestra revealed some problems, one of which remains
quite urgent even today. In essence, it is a poor adaptation
of the requirements of polyphonic music to the characteristic
features of the orchestra, namely, its ability to fully
express properly homophonic music.
This study suggests the mechanisms which allow coming
to such solutions which retain both the specific character
of the fugue and the unique beauty of the orchestral

Keywords: orchestral transcription, instrumentation of
polyphonic compositions

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How to Cite
Napreyev, B. D. (2009). Ludwig Bussler. Orchestral Transcription of the Keyboard Fugue by J. S. Bach. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 4(1), 48–56. Retrieved from
Musical Text and its Performer
Author Biography

Boris D. Napreyev, Petrozavodsk State Conservatory named after A. K. Glazunov

Doctor of Arts, Professor of Musicology