Predictions of a New Epoch

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Alexander I. Demchenko


The musical output of Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky during his inal years
coincided with the terminal moment of the process of transition
from the preceding epoch to the present time period. His music
demonstrated the conclusion of many tendencies characteristic for
the departing culture and, at the same time, sensitive harbingers of
certain aspects of the future art. The composer was able to convey
the idea of the denouement of the Classical-Romantic epoch with a
suficient amount of distinctness, at the same time, having stressed
the acutely dramatic perception of the maturing breakdown in the
inner world of the human being and his surrounding environment.
Nonetheless, in some of his aspects the marked tone turns out
to be signs of a new perception of life, as well. Not only did the
occurring events present a doleful sign of the departing civilization,
but simultaneously it was a sign of entrance into a historical
period of immense collisions and a tragic world perception. Along
with the relection of the critical phenomena of his time and
in counterbalance to them, Tchaikovsky’s late music distinctly
marked out the contours of the trend newly appeared at that time,
gearing towards renewal, new optimism and new eficiency, which
was directly connected with the arising current of life and which
prophesized the birth of the young artistic forces of Russia. This
process triggered certain shifts in musical technology: in the depths
of the still quite sturdy classical style there begins the maturation
of elements of new expressivity connected with the disclosure of
signs of the world perception characteristic of 20th century human

Keywords: P.I. Tchaikovsky, stylistic elements of 20th
century music, the Classical-Romantic epoch in music

Article Details

How to Cite
Demchenko, A. I. (2015). Predictions of a New Epoch. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 114–120.
Сultural Heritage in Historical Perspective
Author Biography

Alexander I. Demchenko, Saratov State L. V. Sobinov Conservatory

Doctor of Arts,
Professor at the Music History Department


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