Theory and Practice in Education of Specialists in Musical Management (the Experience of the Rostov State S.V. Rachmaninoff Conservatory)

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Alexandra V. Krylova


The aim of the article is to present an analysis of the experience of instructing managers in the sphere of music, accumulated by the Rostov State Conservatory (RSK). The author discloses the causes that stimulated the introduction of this field of study into the Russian musical higher educational institutions in the early 2000s substantiation is given of the necessity of educating within the classical musical community of a type of specialist capable of: implementing contemporary technologies of concert presenting business into the sphere of existence of classical music; surviving in market conditions, having available a musical product of a high intellectual level; and making art commercially viable. Characterization is provided for the program of instruction of musical managers at the RSK. Especially stressed the demand for this given field of study in society and the importance of the practical component spanning the entire cycle of instruction, along with the reclamation of the theory of management in the sphere of culture. During the process of analysis of the complex of tutorial disciplines called to shape the specialist in management in the sphere of serious art stress, is made of the significance of attention towards creative activity of thought, without which no realization of ideas in the artistic sphere of activity is possible, as well as foundation of a sturdy stratum of the conceptions of culture and art. The experience of project activity of managers, graduates from the RSK is researched, and examination is carried out of various forms of creative projecting, introduced at various stages of education, their aims and goals, up to the diploma project.

Keywords: musical management, musical education, project activities in the sphere of culture, fundraising, the Rostov State Conservatory, theory of management in the sphere of culture

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How to Cite
Krylova, A. V. (2015). Theory and Practice in Education of Specialists in Musical Management (the Experience of the Rostov State S.V. Rachmaninoff Conservatory). Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 101–106.
Musical Education
Author Biography

Alexandra V. Krylova, Rostovskaya gosudarstvennaya konservatoriya im. S. V. Rakhmaninova / Rostov State S. V. Rachmaninoff Conservatory

Pro-rector for Research,
Dr. Sci. (Culturology), PhD (Arts),
Professor, Head of Department
of Musical Management


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