The Figurative and Imaginative World in the Pictural Art and Music of M. K. Čiurlionis

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Liudmila P. Kazantseva


The article carries out a comparative analysis of the categories of artistic and musical compositions by Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis on one subject (“the forest” and “the sea”), bearing witness to the fact that no direct correspondence between the respective paintings and musical composition comes out. Analysis shows that Čiurlionis perceives in a delicate manner the “musicality” of his paintings and the “visible” illustrative qualities present in music in harmless doses. There is a sense, however, that the mutual penetration of music and painting is indisputable in a whole set of aspects. Thus, the musical quality present in the paintings is discerned in the artist’s appellation to a number of musical genres (sonatas, symphonies, fugues and preludes), compositions (the sonata-symphonic cycle, the fugue), form-generating techniques (imitation) and dramaturgy (“contrapuntal” polyvalence). It is, likewise, appropriate to speak of depictive qualities in music, having in mind the influence of genre (the dryish “graphical” quality of the melodic line, the soft “watercolor” quality of the short instrumental pieces) and technique (well-turned linearity). However, analysis of the imagery and the subject matter showed otherwise – in this regard, the two arts are absolutely autonomous from each other. For this reason, when speaking of the “musicality of the paintings” or the “pictorial quality of the music,” one must realize in full, where and how precisely do these qualities reveal themselves. On the basis of this juxtaposition it becomes clear that the intuitive perception of the “musical” and “pictorial qualities” in these related arts hold some validity, however direct analogies are essentially invalid.

Keywords: Čiurlionis, musical painting, “the forest” and “the sea” in the music of Čiurlionis

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How to Cite
Kazantseva, L. P. (2015). The Figurative and Imaginative World in the Pictural Art and Music of M. K. Čiurlionis. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (3), 63–72.
International Division
Author Biography

Liudmila P. Kazantseva, Astrakhanskaya gosudarstvennaya konservatoriya / Astrakhan State Conservatory

Dr. Sci. (Arts), Professor of the Music History
and Theory Department


1. Landsbergis V. V. Tvorchestvo Churlyonisa (Sonata vesny) [Čiurlionis’ Oeuvres (“Sonata of Spring”)]. 2nd publication. Leningrad: Muzyka Press, 1975. 280 p.
2. Karatygin V. G. Poeziya idey. Pamyati khudozhnika-kompozitora M. K. Churlyonisa [The Poetry of Ideas. In Memory of Artist and Composer M.K. Čiurlionis]. Teatr i iskusstvo [Theater and Art]. 1912. No. 18, pp. 377–380.
3. Ostroumova-Lebedeva A. P. Avtobiograficheskiye zapiski. 1900–1916 [Autobiographical Notes. 1900–1916]. Moscow; Leningrad: Iskusstvo, 1945, p. 109.
4. Makovsky S. K. M. K. Churlyonis [M. K. Čiurlionis]. Apollon. 1911. № 5, p. 23.
5. Chudovskiy V. A. M. K. Churlyonis (otryvki) [M. K. Čiurlionis (Extracts)]. Apollon. 1914, No. 3, p. 20.
6. Ivanov V. I. M. K. Churlyonis i problema sinteza iskusstv [M. K. Čiurlionis and the Issue of Synthesis of the Arts]. Sobr. soch.: v 4 t. [Collected Works in 4 vol.]. Under the editorship of D. V. Ivanov and O. Deshart. Bruxelles: Foyer Oriental Chrétien, 1979. Vol. 3, pp. 151–152.
7. Citation from: Landsbergis V. V. Op.cit. P. 83.
8. Many works of Čiurlionis have variants of names.
9. Etkind M. H. Mir kak bol’shaya simfoniya [The World as a Great Symphony]. Leningrad: Iskusstvo, 1970, p. 14.
10. See: Fedotov V. M. Muzykal’nye osnovy tvorcheskogo metoda M.K. Churlyonisa: avtoref. dis. … kand. isk. [Musical Fundamental Concepts of M. K. Čiurlionis’ Creative Method: Thesis for Dissertation for Phd of Arts]. Petrozavodsk, 1996. 28 p.
11. Kazantseva L. P. Osnovy teorii muzykal’nogo soderzhaniya [Fundamentals of the Theory of Musical Content]. Astrakhan: Volga, 2009. 367 p.
12. Mieželaitis E. B. Mir Churlyonisa [The World of Čiurlionis]. Mieželaitis E. B. Kontrapunkt [Counterpoint]. Moscow: Izvestiya, 1971, pp. 442.