The New Ideology of Musical Theater and its Manifestation in the Works of Heiner Goebbels

Main Article Content

Alexandra V. Krylova


The article analyzes the artistic legacy of the outstanding reformer of contemporary musical
theater – producer, musician, composer and theatrical theorist Heiner Goebbels. The cardinal
difference of his diversified works from the traditional model of opera theatre makes it possible
to speak of a new theatrical ideology, of which Goebbels shows himself to be an adept. On the
basis of numerous interviews with the composer and his personal utterances about his art, the
article examines a set of peculiarities which characterize his musical-theatrical works in light of
the innovative endeavors of the authorial aesthetics of musical theatre. A big role in its formation
has been played by contemporary musical-theatrical technical resources, which have made it
possible to achieve on the basis of digital computer technologies to achieve a new high-quality
level of synthesis of the arts and elements which unite on a conceptual artistic platform sound,
text, color, light, fire, water, scents, depictions, video projections and other things. The aim of this
is to expand the possibilities of impact on the synesthetic foundations of human perception. Each
component of the indicated synthesis is interpreted by the composer as independent informational
message. Being a true artist of the postmodern era, Goebbels presents the musical performance as
a counterpoint of a number of diverse texts. The high level of “density” of the informational plane
of theatrical performance also necessitates a new perspective of the process of communication with
the viewer, who does not interpret the meanings grounded by the author, but to a great degree plays
the role of its creator. A number of aforementioned and other particularities of Goebbels’ musical
theater is examined in the article on the basis of the opera “Landschaft mit entfernten Verwandten”
[“Landscape with Distant Relatives”].
The publication is prepared within the framework of scholarly project No. 17-04-00198-OGN\19
supported by the RFFI.

Keywords: Heiner Goebbels, musical theater computer technologies, contemporary opera,
experimental musical theater, synthesis of the arts.

Article Details

How to Cite
Krylova, A. V. (2019). The New Ideology of Musical Theater and its Manifestation in the Works of Heiner Goebbels. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 225–234.
Music in the System of Culture
Author Biography

Alexandra V. Krylova, Rostov State S. V. Rachmaninoff Conservatory

Pro-rector for Research, Dr.Sci. (Culturology), Ph.D. (Arts),
Professor, Head of Department of Musical Management


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