The World and the Human Being of the Beginning of the 20th Century Reflected by the Art of Music in Russia. Third Essay

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Alexander I. Demchenko


The final essay of a series of three essays, published in the previous issues, is devoted to examination
of another one of the mainstream processes of the time period between 1890 and 1920 connected with
the displacement of the classical conception of the world and man. The contemporary living style
was asserted, with many of the previous values being renounced and the notions and criteria of the
previous patterns of life and thought abandoned, a different code of world-perception having been
established. For this reason, the main antithesis of that time was formed by the confrontation between
the old world and the new world. It was particularly this confrontation that contained the main motive
contradiction of this historical period. The Classical Epoch was experiencing the final stage of its
evolution, and simultaneously the Modern Period was undergoing the phase of its initial formation.
These were two oppositely directed currents, and the rupture of the worlds occurred along their
boundary which separated them. The greatest historical breakthrough occurred: it was not merely that
the 20th century supplanted the 19th century, and not even that the Modern Era came in replacement
of the Classical Era, – what happened was that the six-hundred-year-old Early Modern Period was
replaced by Contemporary History. This is how we can explain the unprecedented sharpness and
intensity of the dialogue between the two epochs in the early 20th century, the depth of the dividing
line running between them, the harshly expressed lamination of the old and the new. The process of
the displacement of the classical conception of the world and of man by its cutting point converged
at the issue of the attitude towards humanism. Many things in contemporary existence began to be
determined by an excessive intensiveness of all sorts of forceful effects on man, which generates an
exclusive intensiveness and an extremely broad spectrum of negative emotions characterizing his
inner life. And it must be acknowledged that what occurred at that time presented not only a doleful
sign of a departing civilization – it was also the sign of entry into a historical zone of colossal conflict
and a tragic world-sensation. Thereby, the outcome of the previous epoch became the source of an era
of unheard of cataclysms and catastrophes.

Keywords: beginning of the 20th century, displacement of the classical conception of the world
and man, issue of humanism.

Article Details

How to Cite
Demchenko, A. I. (2019). The World and the Human Being of the Beginning of the 20th Century Reflected by the Art of Music in Russia. Third Essay. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (3), 7–20.
Music in the System of Culture
Author Biography

Alexander I. Demchenko, Saratov State L. V. Sobinov Conservatory

Dr.Sci. (Arts), Professor, Chief Research Associate of the
Center for Comprehensive Art Studies


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