The Theory of Variant Form in Russian Musicology: The Stages of Formation, the Conceptual Framework

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Evgeniya R. Skurko


The article is devoted to the theory of variant form formed in Russian musicology in the 20th century, study of
which makes it possible to comprehend more profoundly the broad circle of musical phenomena pertaining to various
categories of folk and professional music. Three main stages of formation and elaboration of the theory of variant form
are indicated, the most important categories revealing the specific features of the given phenomenon are examined and
The early stage (from the late 19th century through the first third of the 20th century) is marked by the introduction
by Hugo Riemann – for the first time in the history of music theory – of the conception of the variant (1886), and
the first generalizations about the variant form, as presented in Boris Asafiev’s monograph “Muzykal’naya forma
kak protsess” [“Musical Form as a Process”] (1930), are analyzed. The second stage – the central or “classic” (from
the mid-1950s to the late 1970s) – is determined by a rampant development of the theory of the variation and variant
form, the appearance of the works of Leo Mazel and Victor Tsukkerman, Boris Sosnovtsev and Irina Lavrentyeva,
Victor Bobrovsky and Vladimir Protopopov, Mikhail Tarakanov and other music theorists. As the result of study
of compositional, depictive-dramaturgical, and intonational regular laws of vocal genres of Russian and Western
European music, the theoretic foundations of variant form and its conceptual framework are formed definitively, the
specific features of the variant method of development are determined. The third, contemporary period (from the late
20th century to our days) is characterized by a further expansion of the categorical apparatus, the creation of new
textbooks in analysis of musical form, and research works in which the theoretical comprehension of the phenomenon
of variant form, the variant method of development reflects the tendency of individualization of structures in the
situation of stylistic pluralism (works by Vera Valkova, Vsevolod Zaderatsky and others).

Keywords: variant, variant form, free-variant development-unfolding, variant intergrowth, method of thematically
concentrated unfolding, dynamic contrast-variant form, variant integration of the highest order.

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How to Cite
Skurko, E. R. (2019). The Theory of Variant Form in Russian Musicology: The Stages of Formation, the Conceptual Framework. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 46–54.
Music Theory
Author Biography

Evgeniya R. Skurko, Ufa State Institute of Arts named after Zagir Ismagilov

Dr.Sci. (Arts), Professor at the Music Theory Department


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