The Carnivalization of the Persona Archetype in Giuseppe Verdi’s opera “Falstaff”

Main Article Content

Olga M. Plotnikova


The development of the concept of the “archetype” has become relevant in many spheres of scientific knowledge.
The article demonstrates the “persona archetype” as a “directed trend” (according to Carl Jung) of the organization
of the carnival model of culture in Giuseppe Verdi’s opera “Falstaff.” A key for the disclosure of the essence of
the archetype in this musical composition is presented by Carl Jung’s theory of psychoanalysis, Mikhail Bakhtin’s
semiotic theory of the carnival, the theoretical foundation of the archetype as Alla Bolshakova’s concept of culture,
and Liudmila Shaymukhametova’s theory of “migrating intonational formulas”. The core of the persona archetype in
the opera is demonstrated by the ethno-national mythologem of Zeus the deer. The genesis of the transformation of the
main protagonist is contained in the myths narrating of the metamorphoses of the chief god of the Olympic Pantheon.
The persona archetype is actualized on the extra-musical (verbal) and intra-musical – i.e. the morphological and lexical
level. The image of the persona is disclosed by such universal spatial archetypes as those of home vs. traveling, as
well as the temporal archetypes of day vs. night. The noospheric intergrowth of the basic, supra-national archetype
actualizes the constellation of variable archetypes: the cultural hero, warrior, knight, Don Juan, anti-hero, trickster, fool
(jester), simpleton, eccentric, king of the carnival, wise old man, and carnival laugh. A semantic musical analysis of the
archetype presents the opera as a creative laboratory in which the persona, by modeling his or her image, admixtures
the masks and stylistic costumes of various epochs. The stereotypes of genre, texture, intonation and rhythm are
interpreted by the composer from the perspectives of parody. The metamorphoses of carnivalization represent the
opposite poles of the archetype of the human soul: the trickster vs. the king of the carnival, the anti-hero vs. the hero,
Don Juan vs. a simpleton, a knight vs. a fool, a wise old man vs. a jester and eccentric.

Keywords: Giuseppe Verdi, Falstaff, carnival model of culture, the mythologem of Zeus, the persona archetype,
migrating intonational formulas.

Article Details

How to Cite
Plotnikova, O. M. (2017). The Carnivalization of the Persona Archetype in Giuseppe Verdi’s opera “Falstaff”. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 35–41.
Music in the System of Culture
Author Biography

Olga M. Plotnikova, Magnitogorsk State M. I. Glinka Conservatory (Academy)

Ph.D. (Arts), Associate Professor at the Music Theory and Music History Department


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