The Tenth Anniversary. About the Work of the Dissertation Committee of the Saratov Conservatory

Main Article Content

Irina V. Polozova


The article is devoted to presenting an analysis of the activity of the Dissertation Committee at the Saratov State
L.V. Sobinov Conservatory, which in 2016 marked its tenth anniversary. The Committee works with graduate
students pursuing two major fields of study: 17.00.02 – The Art of Music and 17.00.09 – the Theory and History
of Art, organizing defenses of dissertations for the academic degrees of Doctor of Arts and Candidate of Arts. In
various years of its existence the Committee has been comprised of some of the leading art scholars of Moscow,
Saratov, Astrakhan, Voronezh, Krasnodar, Nizhni Novgorod, Orenburg, Tambov and Ufa. During the indicated
period 149 dissertations have been defended, 23 of them were written in pursuit of the degree of Doctor of Arts and
126 – for the degree of Candidate of Arts. The geographical span of the places where the graduates live is most vast:
Russia from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, France, Belgium and South Korea.
An overview is given of the activities of the Committee for the 2015-2016 academic year, analysis is presented
of the scholarly work and work with the graduate students, as well as the main trends of research elaborated by the
members of the Dissertation Committee. The author of the article provides a complete list of the monographic works
(during the examined period 20 monographic books have been published and over 70 publications have appeared in
peer reviewed periodicals (reviewed by the VAK RF); as well as tutorial manuals, and also characterization is made of
the problem range of the dissertatuions defended in pursuit of the degree of Doctor of Arts.

Keywords: dissertation committee, Saratov State L.V. Sobinov Conservatory, scholarly activities, defense of
dissertations, academic degree of Candidate of Arts, academic degree of Doctor of Arts.

Article Details

How to Cite
Polozova, I. V. (2017). The Tenth Anniversary. About the Work of the Dissertation Committee of the Saratov Conservatory. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 143–148. Retrieved from
Dissertational Committees
Author Biography

Irina V. Polozova, Saratovskaya gosudarstvennaya konservatoriya im. L. V. Sobinova / Saratov State L. V. Sobinov Conservatory

Dr. Sci. (Arts),
Professor at the Music History Department


1. Avtor. Proizvedenie. Tekst. Kollektivnaya monografiya [The Composer. The Composition. The Musical Text: A Collective Monographic Work]. Saratov: Saratov State L. V. Sobinov Conservatory, 2015. 170 p.
2. Vartanov S. Ya. Ispolnenie – interpretatsiya v fortepiannoy muzyke [Performance – Interpretation in Piano Music]. Saratov: Saratov State L. V. Sobinov Conservatory, 2016. 96 p.
3. Vishnevskaya L. A. Zapadnoevropeyskaya garmoniya Srednevekovya, Vozrozhdeniya, Barokko: uchebnoye posobie [Harmony in Western European Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque Music: A Textbook]. Saratov: Saratov State L. V. Sobinov Conservatory, 2015. 132 p.
4. Vishnevskaya L. A. Zapadnoevropeyskaya garmoniya XIX – nachala XX vekov: uchebnoe posobie [Western European Harmony from the 18th to the Early 20th Century: Textbook]. Saratov: Saratov State L. V. Sobinov Conservatory, 2016. 108 p.
5. Demchenko A. I., Demchenko G. Yu. «Zolotoy fond» stolitsy Povolzhya: ocherki muzykal'noy kul'tury Saratova [The “Golden Fund” of the Capital of the Volga Region: Essays on the Musical Culture of Saratov]. Saratov: Saratovtelefil'm; Dobrodeya, 2015. 240 p.
6. Demchenko A. I., Demchenko G. Yu. Vekhi. Sobytiya. Litsa. Iskusstvo Saratova: Arkhitektura. Izobrazitel'noe iskusstvo. Literaturnoe tvorchestvo. Muzykal'noe iskusstvo. Teatr i kino [Milestones. Events. Personalities. The Art of Saratov: Architecture. Art. Literature. The Art of Music. Theatre and Cinema]. Saratov: Saratovtelefil'm; Dobrodeya, 2015. 240 p.
7. Demchenko A. I. Kollazh i polististilistika: ot eksperimentov avangarda v obshchekhudozhestvennoe prostranstvo [The Collage and Polystylistics: from the Experiments of the Avant-Garde in Overall Artistic Space]. Saratov, 2015. 44 p.
8. Demchenko A. I. Con tempo. Kompozitor Elena Gokhman [Con Tempo. Composer Elena Gokhman]. Moscow, 2016. 240 p..
9. Dontsov D. A., Dontsova M. V., Senkevich L. V., Senkevich L. F., Konson G. R. Psikhologiya razvitiya detskikh vozrastov: mladenchestvo, ranneye detstvo, doshkol'noe detstvo, mladshiy shkol'nyy vozrast, podrostkovyy vozrast: kollektivnaya monografiya [Developmental Psychology of Children's Ages: Infancy, Early Childhood, Preschool Childhood, Elementary School Age, Adolescence: a Collective Monographic Work]. Academic Edition of A. I. Podolsky. Moscow: Liteo, 2015. 176 p.
10. Kekova S. V. Metamorfozy khristianskogo koda v poezii N. Zabolotskogo i A.Tarkovskogo [Metamorphoses of the Christian Code in the Poetry of Nikolai Zabolotsky and Arseny Tarkovsky]. Saratov: Saratov State L. V. Sobinov Conservatory, 2016. 352 p.
11. Lebedev A. E. Teoriya ispolnitel'skogo iskusstva: ucheb.-metod. posobie [Theory of the Performing Arts: Tutorial Methodological Manual]. Saratov: Saratov State L. V. Sobinov Conservatory, 2015. 256 p.
12. Krivoshey I. M. Kognitivnaya filosofiya russkogo romansa: dis. ... d-ra iskusstvovedeniya [The Cognitive Philosophy of the Russian Art Song: Thesis of Dissertation for the Degree of Doctor of Arts]. Ufa, 2016. 370 p.
13. Kulapina O. I. Venedikt Pushkov – kompozitor i pedagog: monografiya [Venedikt Pushkov – Composer and Teacher: Monographic Work]. St. Petersburg: Kompozitor-Sankt-Peterburg, 2015. 96 p.
14. Polozov S. P. Informatsionnyy podkhod v issledovanii muzykal'nogo iskusstva: dis. ... d-ra iskusstvovedeniya [The Informational Approach in the Study of the Art of Music: Thesis of Dissertation for the Degree of Doctor of Arts]. Saratov, 2015. 408 p.
15. Polozov S. P. Ponyatiye informatsii i informatsionnyy podkhod v issledovanii muzykal'nogo iskusstva: monografiya [The Concept of Information and the Informational Approach in the Study of the Art of Music]. Saratov: Saratov State L. V. Sobinov Conservatory, 2015. 252 p.
16. Popov D. A. Vliyanie nauchnykh tsennostey i norm na khudozhestvennye techeniya vtoroy poloviny XIX–XX veka: diss. ... d-ra iskusstvovedeniya [The Influence of Scientific Values and Norms on the Artistic Movements of the Second Half of the 19th and the 20th Century: Thesis of Dissertation for the Degree of Doctor of Arts]. Saratov, 2016. 338 p.
17. Rakhimbayeva I. Ye. Upravleniye kachestvom khudozhestvennogo obrazovaniya v natsional'nom issledovatel'skom universitete [Management of the Quality of Art Education at a University for National Research]. Saratov: Saratov State University Press, 2015. 248 p.
18. Steklova I. A. Arkhitektura Sankt-Peterburga v khudozhestvennoy kartine mira (po proizvedeniyam A. S. Pushkina): avtoref. dis. ... d-ra iskusstvovedeniya [The Architecture of St. Petersburg in the Artistic Picture of the World (Following to the Works of A. S. Pushkin): Thesis of Dissertation for the Degree of Doctor of Arts]. Saratov, 2016. 50 p.

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