The Phonosphere of the Metropolis as a Phenomenon of Sound Synthesis: Concerning the Issue of Ecology of the Audio Environment

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Alexandra V. Krylova


Civilization has brought powerful advances of sound from numerous artificially created sources of sound into
what was once the world of calm and harmony. They shape an aggressive synthetic field of sound and accompany
the life of the human being. The expenditures of technical progress have affected not only the natural ecological
environment, but also the cultural environment, part of which is formed by the sound content of the modern city.
Comprehending under the term of audio environment the sound continuum surrounding the human being, the author
examines the phonosphere of the city in diachronic truncation. Three of its historical models stand out: the ancient
Russian city, the city of the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries and the contemporary metropolis. Research of the
latter model demonstrates that the sonic chaos of the contemporary urban space is comprised of numerous sources
of both noise-related and musical origins. In the massive predominating techno-phonations music ceases to be
perceived as an act of communication. The sonic picture of the world ends up being oversaturated, disharmonious
and fragmented. Provoking a rise of nervous tension and conditions of stress, it predisposes to absentmindedness,
creating the habit of discarding any audio-related information to the background or secondary mode. For the mass
consumer such an aural orientation predetermines the musical-stylistic preferences lying beyond the durably intoned
meanings inherent to the art of classical music. The meaningfulness of the sound information of the space of the
city as a constituent of the musical tradition of everyday life, as part of the ritual-ceremonial life cycle of man gives
place to the dominance of audio chaos. A professional sonic design of the urban space presents a path towards the
sanitation of the audio ecology of the city.

Keywords: the phonosphere, the city, ecology of the audio environment, sound picture of the world.

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How to Cite
Krylova, A. V. (2017). The Phonosphere of the Metropolis as a Phenomenon of Sound Synthesis: Concerning the Issue of Ecology of the Audio Environment. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 27–32.
Music in the System of Culture
Author Biography

Alexandra V. Krylova, Rostovskaya gosudarstvennaya konservatoriya im. S. V. Rakhmaninova / Rostov State S. V. Rachmaninoff Conservatory

Pro-rector for Research,
Dr. Sci. (Culturology), PhD (Arts),
Professor, Head of Department
of Musical Management


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