The Features of Romantic Aesthetics and Their Traces in Sacred Concert Music of the Russian Composers of the 20th Century

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Olga A. Urvantseva


The author studies the renovation of the sacred music of Russian composers of in 19th century – the arrangements of earliest Russian chant melodies and their compositions–under the influence of aesthetics of Romanticism. The author describes new features of sacred music of Mikhail Glinka which were inherited by the composers of next generations.

Keywords: Sacred music, incidental genre and sacred music, traditions of Romanticism, national roots of sacred music

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How to Cite
Urvantseva, O. A. (2010). The Features of Romantic Aesthetics and Their Traces in Sacred Concert Music of the Russian Composers of the 20th Century. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 6(1), 26–30. Retrieved from
Russian Sacred Music
Author Biography

Olga A. Urvantseva, Magnitogorsk State Conservatory (Academy) named after M. I. Glinka

Docent of Music Theory and History Department

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