The Interpretation of Style in the Epistolary Legacy of Boleslav Yavorsky (from his Correspondence with Sergei Protopopoff)

Main Article Content

Olga I. Kulapina


The author of the article acquaints the reader with a most intriguing
and original understanding of the phenomenon of musical style,
presented by Boleslav Yavorsky in his letters to Sergei Protopopoff
in the summer of 1935. This fascinating and not at all indisputable
informational material is capable of setting up the reader towards
relection, since it is devoid of any reactions, commentaries or
evaluations either from the addressee or from the author of the
given article. It is given entirely to the consideration of all those
who are interested in various interpretations of the category of
style, as well as the scholarly legacy of the famous musicologist.
In such a manysided
and polysemic aspect of interpretations of
the phenomenon of style “according to Yavorsky,” one can trace
a successive vector on its subsequent examination in the works
of Russian musicologists of the second half of the 20th century.
On the bases of the utilized deinitions accumulative (corporative)
deinition of musical style is inferred.

Keywords: Russian musicologists, Boleslav Yavorsky,
Sergei Protopopoff, epistolary legacy, category of musical style

Article Details

How to Cite
Kulapina, O. I. (2014). The Interpretation of Style in the Epistolary Legacy of Boleslav Yavorsky (from his Correspondence with Sergei Protopopoff). Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 31–34. Retrieved from
Сultural Heritage in Historical Perspective
Author Biography

Olga I. Kulapina, Saratov State L.V. Sobinov Conservatory

Doctor of Arts,
Candidate of Philosophical Sciences,
Professor at the Department of Music Theory and


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