The First Symphony of G. Mahler: Specifics of its Musical and Dramaturgic Concept

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Vladislav E. Devutsky


The article analyzes a very complex conception of Mahler’s First Symphony in terms of its numerous extra-musical ideas and literary associations gathered into an integral substantial complex. In the author’s opinion, the funeral march in the third movement of Mahler’s First Symphony is the core of understanding its concept. The author sees it as a reflection of the composer’s romantic worldview. All other ideas just set it off and may not be viewed as any independent sense-making components of the symphony.

Keywords: Gustav Mahler’s First Symphony, romantic hero, search for a dramaturgic concept

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How to Cite
Devutsky, V. E. (2012). The First Symphony of G. Mahler: Specifics of its Musical and Dramaturgic Concept. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 10(1), 142–149. Retrieved from
History of Western Music


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