A.N. Scryabin, His Creative Way and Principles of Artistic Expression

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Leonid L. Sabaneev


From editorial staff. The published material represents one of the first monographic studies about A.N. Scryabin – a brochure by L.L. Sabaneev “A.N. Scryabin, His Creative Way and the Principles of Artistic Expression”, that was published in 1916 by the Sirius publishing house. In its own way the work is a reaction to the untimely death of the composer (“this unfinished way that promised so many mysterious things in the future”). The evolution of Scryabin՚s artistic thinking “from Chopin to Mysteryˮ, from “lyricismˮ to “radiant ecstasyˮ in the projection on the musical style is comprehended by Sabaneev as a way of consistent changes in the world view, spiritual-religious, composer’s philosophical views and ideas. It is on them that the emphasis is placed in the published first section of the study. In the text, with rare exceptions, the features of the style, spelling and punctuation of the original are preserved.

Keywords: Scryabin, spiritual path, creative philosophy, Orpheism, theurgy, Mystery.

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How to Cite
Sabaneev Л. Л. (2022). A.N. Scryabin, His Creative Way and Principles of Artistic Expression. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 48(3), 47–57. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/1378
From the History of Domestic Thought about Music
Author Biography

Leonid L. Sabaneev

Leonid L. Sabaneyev (1881–1968) was a Russian musicologist, composer and music critic. Russian Russian composer is the author of works on the general historyof music, the history of Russian music, research on Richard Wagner, Claude Debussy, Maurice Ravel, Alexander Scriabin, Russian composers of the early XX century. One of the founders
of the State Institute of Musical Sciences (ANTHEM), a full member of the Music Sectionof the Academy of Artistic Sciences and President of the Association of Contemporary Musicin Moscow. Professor Rachmaninov Russian Conservatory in Paris.