The Dialogue of Cultures in Giacomo Puccini’s Opera “Turandot”

Main Article Content

Olga M. Plotnikova


The issue of dialogue between the Western and Eastern cultures,
which is one of the most fundamental ones in present-day
musicology, has been actualized in art works of the early 20th
century. A perception of Giacomo Puccini’s opera “Turandot”
through the prism of the chronotope of play reveals new boundaries
of interaction. The author relies on the culturological method
of analysis of the mechanism of cross-cultural communications.
We witness the disclosure of the “cultural archive” of the most
profound Chinese archetypical symbols, which have been
reflected in the opera’s artistic conception. The ethno-national
model of Chinese culture accentuates the mythologems of Chaos,
the Path and the Quinary Paths and shows their projection onto
the level of spatial-temporal components of content and structure.
The dialogue with the Chinese tradition and dialogue as a means
for musical logic of play are demonstrated in the stage design,
dramaturgy, positioning of the image and the interpretation of the
scenes. Dialogue – which tests representatives of various cultures
with enigmatic riddles – presents the dramatic center of the opera.
By reflecting Chinese cultural values in the genre of European
traditions, Giacomo Puccini proclaims the necessity for mutual
exchange and mutual enrichment of cultures.

Keywords: Giacomo Puccini, “Turandot,” the culture of
China, Italian opera, dialogue of cultures, logic of play, East –
West, cross-cultural communications

Article Details

How to Cite
Plotnikova, O. M. (2015). The Dialogue of Cultures in Giacomo Puccini’s Opera “Turandot”. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 19–23.
Music in the System of Culture
Author Biography

Olga M. Plotnikova, Magnitogorsk State M. I. Glinka Conservatory (Academy)

Candidate of Arts, Associate Professor of the Music Theory and Music History Department


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