Sibelius and the Crossing of the Times

Main Article Content

Vera I. Nilova


The article is written in the form of sketches, in which the author
expounds the scholarly perspectives on of the leading the musical
legacy of Sibelins Finnish Musicologist Veijo Murtomäki and
Estonian composer and musicologist Leo Normet on Sibelius’
musical legacy. The author’s attention is focused on two editions
in Russian of various years: the biography of Sibelius written by
Murtomäki for the book “A Hundred Remarkable Finns” (2004)
and Normet’s monographic work “The Symphonies of Sibelius”
(2011). Both works have been published outside of Russia, and
for this reason may have not come to the focus of interested
specialists in the country. To attract attention to these works on the
part of the musicological community and to bring the results of
Murtomäki’s and Normet’s research into a broader musicological
context in Russia – such are the aims of these sketches.

Keywords: Sibelius, Murtomäki, Normet, the symphonies of

Article Details

How to Cite
Nilova, V. I. (2014). Sibelius and the Crossing of the Times. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (3), 77–81. Retrieved from
History of Western Music
Author Biography

Vera I. Nilova, Petrazavodsk State A.K. Glazunov Conservatory

Doctor of Arts,
Professor, Head of Music History Department


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