Electronic Alphabets and Reconstruction of the Znamenny Chant in Staff Notation

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Irina V. Bakhmutova
Vladimir D. Gusev
Tatiana N. Titkova
Boris A. Shindin


The issue of reconstruction of the znamenny chant in staff notation has not lost its relevance, especially in the cases
with notation without the addition of cinnabarically marked notation. An important role in the solution of this problem
is played by the alphabets of the znamenny chant. The electronic alphabets of the znamenny chant created by the
authors of the present research differ favorably from the alphabets of the 15th and 16th century with their interpretation,
as well as from the “original” alphabets of the 19th century by the following indicators: 1) they are constructed on the
basis of the dvoznammeny chant books of the late 17th and early 18th centuries, when the znamenny chant achieved
the highest peak of its flourishing; 2) the alphabets are formed for various types of chant books (the Books of Eight
Tones, Festivities, Hirmologies) and contain diverse quantitative information playing an important role in the process
of deciphering. The article describes the structure of the alphabets (with detailed examples) and the means of their use
(analysis of the specificity of voices of the znamenny chant, specification of the semantics of the cinnabaric marks,
comparative analysis of various chant manuscripts, etc.).

Keywords: dvoznamenniki, znamenny chant, representation in staff notation, znamenny alphabet (alphabet of
signs), alphabet, cinnabaric marks.

Article Details

How to Cite
Bakhmutova, I. V., Gusev, V. D., Titkova, T. N., & Shindin, B. A. (2017). Electronic Alphabets and Reconstruction of the Znamenny Chant in Staff Notation. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 14–21. https://doi.org/10.17674/1997-0854.2017.2.014-021
Horizonts of Musicology
Author Biographies

Irina V. Bakhmutova, S. L. Sobolev Institute of Mathematics Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Research assistant

Vladimir D. Gusev, S. L. Sobolev Institute of Mathematics Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Ph.D. (Technology), Senior research assistant

Tatiana N. Titkova, S. L. Sobolev Institute of Mathematics Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Ph.D. (Technology), Research assistant

Boris A. Shindin, Novosibirsk State M. I. Glinka Conservatory

Dr. Sci. (Arts), Professor, Head of the Music History Department, Novosibirsk State M. I. Glinka Conservatory, director of the Institute for Scholarly Research of the Musical Culture of Siberia


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