The Use of the Bilingual Set “Sign-Note” for Disclosing Invariant Structural Units of the Znamenny Chant

Main Article Content

Irina V. Bakhmutova
Vladimir D. Gusev
Tatiana N. Titkova


The authors develop a new computer-based approach towards
solving the problem of staff-notation reconstruction (deciphering)
of early Russian znamenny chants. It is based on disclosing in the
texts of Dvoyeznamenniks of chains of signs, univocal or with
admissible deviations in interpretations in a concrete glas (chant).
The algorithm of extraction and utilization of such chains for the
aim of deciphering musical manuscripts is developed. On the basis
of an extensive study material there are electronic dictionaries
for invariants and quasi-invariants constructed in the format of
“znamya (sign) – note” for all 8 glasy of the dvoyeznamenny
chant. Experiments with the test materials have shown that already
at the present stage electronic dictionaries are already capable of
providing for an average of 60-70% of deciphering of the glasy.
The main merit of this approach is its directedness towards the
general case of non-pitch notation found in znamenny chant.

Keywords: Dvoyeznamenniks, staff-notation reconstruction,
non-pitch notation indication, inner-glas invariants, electronic
dictionary of the znamenny chant

Article Details

How to Cite
Bakhmutova, I. V., Gusev, V. D., & Titkova, T. N. (2015). The Use of the Bilingual Set “Sign-Note” for Disclosing Invariant Structural Units of the Znamenny Chant. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 5–11.
Horizonts of Musicology
Author Biographies

Irina V. Bakhmutova, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Research assistant

Vladimir D. Gusev, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Senior research assistant

Tatiana N. Titkova, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Research assistant


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