The Aesthetics of Symbolism and the Modes of Boleslav Yavorsky in the Music of Sergei Protopopoff

Main Article Content

Anton A. Rovner


The article is dedicated to the study of evolution of
harmonic language in the works of Russian composer
Sergey Protopopoff (1893–1954). His music is viewed in
the context of symbolism, reflected in his use of the compositional
system of his teacher Boleslav Yavorsky. This
system is known as the «theory of modal rhythm.» The
period of Protopopoff's fascination with «modes of
Yavorsky» lasted from 1917 to 1931 and falls into three
stages. Each stage is presented in this study. The last
work of Protopopoff is interpreted as a farewell to modernist

Keywords: S. Protopopoff, modes of Yavorsky, symbolism,
harmony in the 20th-century music, musical modernism,
musical avant-garde

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How to Cite
Rovner, A. A. (2009). The Aesthetics of Symbolism and the Modes of Boleslav Yavorsky in the Music of Sergei Protopopoff. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 4(1), 136–141. Retrieved from
Technique of Composition of the 20th Century
Author Biography

Anton A. Rovner, Moscow State P. I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory

Associate Professor of the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies at the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory. Anton A. Rovner is also a degree candidate at the same conservatory.


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