Popular Creative Activity as a Part of Contemporary System of Education

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Beslan G. Ashkhotov


The author addresses the issue of ever accelerating globalization leading to the integration of political, social-economic, and cultural spheres and thus making more and more complicated the folk music existence. The author underlines the urgency of preparation of the experts of new type, ready to adapt to the phenomena of postindustrial period. The author describes the work of North Caucasus Institute of Arts in this direction.

Keywords: musical education, popular creative activity, folklore of the North Caucasus


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How to Cite
Ashkhotov, B. G. (2011). Popular Creative Activity as a Part of Contemporary System of Education. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 9(2), 106–110. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/521
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