Internal Modus of Baroque Form: Lad Structuring

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Vitaly A. Shuranov


The structural and syntactic characteristics of musical forms at the Baroque time have been established today as a result of a mechanical application of the methodology of analyzing classical forms. Based on a different approach to the form, which had been accustomed at the times of antiquity and Middle Ages, the author shows that it was hierarchic (both modal and thematic) formmaking principles rather than syntactic ones that had dominated in any musical structure during the 17th and the beginning of the 18th centuries. The article analyzes  specificities of the modal structuring of Baroque musical forms and gives reasons for a constitutive impact of modality on the Gregorian chant structure. The hierarchic disposition of the medieval modes can already be traced as an internal structural principle in the new context of the Baroque time. As in the Middle Ages, a dualistic worldview remained within the religious attitude of the Baroque time and was symbolically expressed in the internal mode of its musical forms.

Keywords: the symbolic structure of medieval modes, modality, musical forms of the Baroque time

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How to Cite
Shuranov, V. A. (2012). Internal Modus of Baroque Form: Lad Structuring. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 10(1), 68–73. Retrieved from
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