About the Typology of the National Schools of Piano Playing of the Eastern Asian Region (China, Korea, Japan)

Main Article Content

Sergei A. Eisenstadt


A great deal of research has been devoted to the piano schools of
varrious separate countries of the Eastern Asian region. However,
the features of their typological commonness have not been
studied to a suficient degree. The article discloses the essential
features of the schools of piano playing of China, Korea and Japan.
They are examined as a phenomenon that has emerged as a result
of the expedited development of the pianistic culture beyond the
boundaries of the European cultural and historical milieu. It is
suggested to identify this phenomenon as “young national schools
of piano playing in Eastern Asia.” Their typological distinctions
from pianistic schools of the traditional Western type are marked
out: contacts with Western national schools in the systemic
frameworks of communication of “teacher – student,” as well
as the highest stages of development; reliance on the national
repertoire (less intensive); a system-generating meaning of
communication of “performer – follower” (substantial). Relying
on the criteria formulated in the article, the author shows that by
the present time the “young national schools of piano playing” of
Eastern Asia have entered the stage of maturity.

Keywords: piano performance of China, piano performance
of Korea, piano performance of Japan, national schools of piano
playing, art of piano playing of the Eastern Asian region

Article Details

How to Cite
Eisenstadt, S. A. (2015). About the Typology of the National Schools of Piano Playing of the Eastern Asian Region (China, Korea, Japan). Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 54–60. https://doi.org/10.17674/1997-0854.2015.2.19.054-060
Musical Culture of the Peoples of the World
Author Biography

Sergei A. Eisenstadt, The Far-Eastern State Academy for the Arts

Candidate of Arts (PhD),
Professor at the Specialized Piano Department


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