About the Musical Poetics of the “New Symphony” of Composers of Bashkortostan

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Evgenia R. Skurko


The article identifies various approaches to manifestation of stable descriptive-poetical elements in the symphonies of Bashkir composers: in the vein of the Classical-Romantic traditions of the “trend” of the composers pertaining to the Mighty Handful at the stage of folklorism (1930s–1960s), in the conditions of stylistic pluralism, the assimilation of 20th century compositional techniques, a new conception of the symphonic genre and of folklore in general – at the stage of neo-folklorism (the last third of the 20th century up to the 2000s). In connection with the latter the concept of “new symphony” is introduced. Similar to constant signs, which define the specific features of the “national image of the world,” the images of the Great Steppe, space, nature, ritual actions and invasions of foreign peoples are examined, as are images of silence of nature as qualities of otherness. Greater attention is bestowed upon various images, especially those of folk instruments. Special mention is made to the broadening of boundaries of content, enrichment with new themes, ideas and image stemming to the archetype of nomadic culture.

Keywords: composers of Bashkortostan, development of the Bashkir symphony, symphonic genre


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How to Cite
Skurko, E. R. (2012). About the Musical Poetics of the “New Symphony” of Composers of Bashkortostan. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 11(2), 218–223. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/381
Musical Poetics, Rhetoric and Semantics


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