The Internet as a Means of Musical Expressivity

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Alexei V. Krasnoskulov


In the article it is stressed that in the present day we are faced with the emergence of a new milieu of interaction in virtual space which offers new perspectives for musical activity. The author demonstrates that musical performance by means of the web alters to a considerable degree not only the functional correlation of composer-performer-improviser, but also the very principles of working with musical material. In correspondence to how researchers and musicians accept the “rules of the game” of the global web, the article formulates three various approaches, realized in various degrees in contemporary musical practice, to solving the arising “acoustic” and “instrumental” problems.

Keywords: mass media, internet-media, web music, web musical performance

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How to Cite
Krasnoskulov, A. V. (2012). The Internet as a Means of Musical Expressivity. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 11(2), 62–66. Retrieved from
Music in the System of Mass Communications
Author Biography

Alexei V. Krasnoskulov, The Rostov State Conservatory Of S. V. Rakhmaninov

degree of Candidate of Arts (PhD) and is the Chairman of the Department of Musical Sound Recording and Informational Technologies, an acting professor at the Department of Specialized Piano


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