The Polyphonic Arctic (Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of the European Arctic Region)

Main Article Content

Vera I. Nilova


The article examines the cross-cultural contacts in the sub- Arctic and Arctic areas in the European part of Russia. The region close to the Barents Sea presents itself as an experimental laboratory, where each sub-region is endowed with the opportunity of developing its own international competence and establish its on cultural bridges. A description is presented of the practice of organizing festivals: the classical music festivals in the Finnish part of Lapland (for example, the “Luosto Classic Festival”), the chamber music festivals on the Lofoten Islands (for instance, “Link Winter”), the organ music festicval in Bodш, Norway and the “Northern Lights” festival in Tromsш, Norway. The domain of attention also includes the “Sami Easter Festival” in Kautokeino, the Festival of Futurist Music and Technica Culture in Tromsш “INSOMNITA” and others.

Keywords: The Barents Sea, the Arctic, Festivals, Wilhelm Peterson-Berger, Eric Bergman, Bo Nilsson

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How to Cite
Nilova, V. I. (2013). The Polyphonic Arctic (Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of the European Arctic Region). Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 230–232. Retrieved from
Festivals. Contests
Author Biography

Vera I. Nilova, Petrazavodsk State A.K. Glazunov Conservatory

Doctor of Arts,
Professor, Head of Music History Department


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