“The History of Music of all Times and Peoples” by Liveriy Sacchetti

Main Article Content

Alexandra V. Krylova


The author examines the character and musical legacy of
professor at the St. Petersburg Conservatory, Liveriy Sachetti
(1852–1916) and the historical role of his work “The History
of Music of all Times and Peoples” in the formation of Russian
musical education. The level of academic knowledge presented
in Sacchetti’s textbook makes it possible to evaluate the
informational space in which Russia’s musical elite of the turn of
the 19th and 20th centuries was formed. It is stressed that many
of the outstanding composers and performers of that time period
studied music history by reading Sacchetti’s texts. The article
presents biographical information on the musicologist, a list of
his works, and highlights the peculiarities of “A History of Music
of all Times and Peoples,” namely, the fundamental nature, the
illustrative, systematic, documental and various other qualities of
the book. The presented analysis leads to an evaluation of Liveriy
Sacchetti’s work as a progressive phenomenon in the musical
culture of the time.

Keywords: Liveriy Sacchetti, music history, textbook,
St. Petersburg Conservatory, musical education

Article Details

How to Cite
Krylova, A. V. (2014). “The History of Music of all Times and Peoples” by Liveriy Sacchetti. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (1), 70–74. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/169
Music in the System of Culture
Author Biography

Alexandra V. Krylova, The Rostov State S.V. Rachmaninoff Conservatory

Doctor of Culturology,
Candidate of Arts (PhD),
professor, Pro-rector for Research,
Head of Musical Management Department


1. Annotated list of the funds of the Manuscript Division of the National Library of St. Petersburg [In Russian]. URL: //http:// www.nlr.ru/coll/manuscript/fonds_list.pdf
2. Maykapar S. M. Gody ucheniya [Years of Study]. Moscow: Iskusstvo Press, 1938. 200 p.
3. Sakketti L. A. Istoriya muzyki vsekh vremen i narodov [Sacchetti L. A. History of Music of All the Times and Peoples]. Issue 2. St. Petersburg: Shipovnik Press, 1913. 296 p.
4. Silenok L. Sacchetti Liveriy Antonovich [Sacchetti Liverij Antonovich]. Muzykal'naya Entsiklopediya v 6 t. [Musical Encyclopedia in 6 volumes]. Edited by Yu. V. Keldysh. Vol. 4. Moscow, 1978, pp. 818.
5. Solov'ev N. Sacchetti Liveriy Antonovich [Sacchetti Liverij Antonovich] Brokhaus F., Efron I. Entsiklopedicheskiy slovar' [Brockhaus F., Efron I. Encyclopedic Dictionary].Vol. 28-A. St. Petersburg, 1900, pp. 81.

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