Semantic Transformations in the Musical Themes of Domenico Scarlatti’s Clavier Sonatas

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Liudmila N. Shaymukhametova


The general precept for study within the semiotic sphere of Russian musicology and, in
particular, of the Laboratory of Musical Semantics of the Ufa State Institute of Arts, is based
on acknowledging music as a part of the communicative artistic system (
index/0-32). The stable intonational turns endowed with stable meanings frequently encountered
in musical texts, labeled as semantical figures, are essentially bearers of musical meaning.
They are concretized by means of assimilating extra-musical phenomena and indications of the
external world and, by penetrating into the musical text, organize the sign-related metaphorical
mechanism of musical utterance. The study of the mechanism of semantical transformations of
intonational vocabulary is especially important on the level of studying musical themes, since
the intonational formulas migrating from one musical text to another reveal the “genetic code”
of musical compositions and concretize the semantical perceptions of the performer and the
In Domenico Scarlatti’s sonatas for clavier the migrating intonational formulas may be observed
most clearly on the level of the musical theme. It is particularly this segment of the musical text in
the case of many composers which, according to Mark Aranovsky, presents “an object of heightened
semantical concentration.”

Keywords: Domenico Scarlatti, Domenico Scarlatti’s sonatas, semantical transformations of
intonational vocabulary, Laboratory of Musical Semantics.

Article Details

How to Cite
Shaymukhametova, L. N. (2019). Semantic Transformations in the Musical Themes of Domenico Scarlatti’s Clavier Sonatas. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 87–96.
Musical Text and its Performer
Author Biography

Liudmila N. Shaymukhametova, Scholarly-Methodical Center “Innovation Art Studies”

Dr.Sci. (Arts), Professor, Editor-in-Chief of the
Russian Journal ICONI, Chair of the Scholarly-Methodical Center “Innovation Art Studies”


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