The Russian German, Rafail Gustavovich Koeber at the Sources of Japanese Art of Piano Performance

Main Article Content

Sergei A. Eisenstadt


The article is devoted to the Russian musician, Rafail Gustavovich
Koeber (1848–1923), a graduate of the Moscow Conservatory
at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, a piano professor at the
Tokyo Ongaku Gakko. This conservatory, the first state educational
institution in Japan prepared specialists in the sphere of the
European musical tradition. Basing himself on historical editions,
the author specifies biographical facts connected with the Koeber
family, his education in Russia and activities in Japan. Defining
Koeber’s position in Japanese piano instruction, the author asserts
that the musician from Russia stood at the sources of the processes
connected with the formation of the Japanese pianistic culture of
the first decades of the 20th century. Although outwardly it seemed
that the formation of the national pianistic school took place during
a complete predominance of the German and Austrian piano
tradition, nonetheless, an increasing impact of the Russian school
was also manifested.

Keywords: Koeber, Moscow Conservatory, piano, Japan, the
Tokyo Ongaku Gakko

Article Details

How to Cite
Eisenstadt, S. A. (2014). The Russian German, Rafail Gustavovich Koeber at the Sources of Japanese Art of Piano Performance. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (3), 49–54. Retrieved from
Music in the System of Culture
Author Biography

Sergei A. Eisenstadt, The Far-Eastern State Academy for the Arts

Candidate of Arts (PhD),
Professor at the Specialized Piano Department


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