The Spatial-Temporal Organization of the Text of the Introduction to Mikhail Glinka’s Opera “A Life for the Tsar” in the Context of Russian History

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Marina A. Sidorova


Research of the spatial-temporal organization of a musical composition brings in the necessary condition of
its comprehension as the artistic whole. Due to its multicomponent structure and narrative specifics, the genre
of the opera makes it possible to line up the artistically capacious system of spatial-temporal coordinates.
An important sense-making element of this system is the opera’s verbal-scenic text. The aim of the present article
is to analyze the spatial-temporal structure of the verbal-scenic text of the introduction to Mikhail Glinka’s opera
“A Life for the Tsar.” The author relies on methods of research practiced in various fields of humanitarian knowledge
(literary studies, art studies, semiology). She traces out the historical and folkloristic-mythological genesis of the
leading narrative motives of the introduction involved in a “convolved” way and undergoing further elaboration in
the semantic space of the opera. The types of spatial-temporal relations and interactions are established, and the
semantic functions of the spatial-temporal objects of the introduction are defined. A demonstration is made of the
ideal-artistic commonness of the verbal text of the introduction with early Russian literary sources on the basis of
the revealed intertextual connections. The author comes to the conclusion about the integrated quality of the text of
the introduction into the unified cultural space of national history.

Keywords: Mikhail Glinka, the opera “A Life for the Tsar,” spatial-temporal organization, folkloristic-mythological
images, early Russian literature.

Article Details

How to Cite
Sidorova, M. A. (2018). The Spatial-Temporal Organization of the Text of the Introduction to Mikhail Glinka’s Opera “A Life for the Tsar” in the Context of Russian History. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 34–42.
Artistic World of Musical Piece
Author Biography

Marina A. Sidorova, Magnitogorsk State M. I. Glinka Conservatory (Academy)

Ph.D. (Arts), Associate Professor at the Department of History and Theory


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