The Shikapshina as a National Symbol of the Culture of the Adyghes (Circassians)

Main Article Content

Beslan G. Ashkhotov


The article examines the history of the existence of the folk musical chordophone the shikapshina (a group of
string necked lutes), its functional role and meaning in the traditional culture of the Adyghes, its revival and the stages
of its modernization in the changing sociocultural conditions of the 19th and 20th centuries. In the past the sphere of
functioning of the shikapshina in the life and fate of the people was multifaceted. It fulfilled a peculiar function of
a communicative channel of inter-generation transmission of the ethnic culture of the people, and the active bearer of
folklore traditions, the sage, the poet, the song creator and performer (dzheguakIue) enjoying indisputable authority
and genuine love in society, who held the shikapshina in his hand, identified the inherently valued folk culture and its
social status. The shikapshina was used both as a solo and an ensemble instrument in the genres of instrumental and
dance music, and was also capable of accompanying ritual, epical (Nart), historical-heroic songs; for the most part the
shikapshina was concordant with lamentation songs and purifying songs.

Keywords: ethnic culture, the Adyghes (Circassians), musical instruments of the Adyghes, the shikapshina as
a type of bowed necked lutes.

Article Details

How to Cite
Ashkhotov, B. G. (2018). The Shikapshina as a National Symbol of the Culture of the Adyghes (Circassians). Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 97–105.
International Division
Author Biography

Beslan G. Ashkhotov, Northern-Caucasus State Institute of Arts

Dr.Sci. (Arts), Pro-Rector for Studies, Professor at the Music History and Theory


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