About Studying the Musical Past of Bashkiria: a Historical Overview

Main Article Content

Elena K. Karpova


The article traces out the process of scholarly achievement of the musical past of Bashkiria (presently –
the Republic of Bashkortostan) – one of the regions of Russia located in the South Ural Mountains. The author
examines the activities of historians, literati and journalists beginning from the 18th century, whose experience
was of principal significance for the domain of musicology. The referential point is formed by the works of Piotr
Rychkov, which comprise the foundation of comprehensive studies of the region, as well as the reports of the
expedition to Orenburg undertaken by Ivan Kirilov. Characterization is provided of works of literature (by Timofey
Beliaev, Sergei Aksakov and Vladimir Dal), the names of historians and ethnographers (Ruf Ignatiev, Dmitri Volkov,
Victor Filonenko and others) are highlighted. Mention is made of the activities of such social alliances as the
Society for the Study of Bashkiria, the Bashkir Section of the Russian Society for the Preservation of Landmarks of
History and Culture and the Society of Regional Scholars of Bashkortostan. Evaluation is given of the trends of the
historical discoveries of regional scholars Nikolai Barsov, Georgy Gudkov, Zinaida Gudkova, Murad Rakhimkulov,
Vladimir Skachilov, Galina Belskaya, Ludmila Atanova and others. Emphasis is made of the important role of the
Institute for History, Language and Literature of the Ufa Scholarly Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences for
comprehensive knowledge of the region, as well as the activities of the Ufa Institute for the Arts in the expansion of
the fields of research of musical phenomena. The regularly organized conferences demonstrate the practicability for
consolidation of scholarly trends. The author comes to the conclusion that the achievements in the reconstruction
and comprehension of the music history of the region are possible upon the conditions of cooperation with each
other of representatives of various fields of knowledge.

Keywords: musical culture of the South Urals, music history of Bashkortostan, musical historiography, musical
regional studies, Ufa State Institute for the Arts named after Zagir Ismagilov.

Article Details

How to Cite
Karpova, E. K. (2017). About Studying the Musical Past of Bashkiria: a Historical Overview. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 151–158. https://doi.org/10.17674/1997-0854.2017.4.151-158
Area Studies in Music
Author Biography

Elena K. Karpova, Ufa State Institute of Arts named after Zagir Ismagilov

Ph.D. (Arts), Professor at the Music History Department


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