The New Obikhod of the 20th Century: Compilations of Monastic Liturgical Music of the Late 20th Century

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Oksana E. Sheludyakova


The article is devoted to the contemporary tradition of the Orthodox Christian Church, of new compilations of
liturgical chants, combining a significant quantity of sacred compositions, transcriptions and harmonizations, altogether
forming the “new obikhod (i.e. liturgical repertoire) of the 20th century.” The object of this study is formed by the
sacred choral works by Archimandrite Matfey (Mormyl) and Deacon Sergei (Trubachev).
The collections of church music compiled by them have not obtained the title of “Obikhod” [i.e. standard liturgical
repertoire], however, the chants have been gathered into compilations on the basis of a certain order of service (for
example, the chants of the All-Night Vigil or Liturgy). And what is characteristic for Early Russian standard liturgical
repertoire, they were placed in order of the succession in the church service. At the same time, it is indicative that
the Early Russian tradition of compiling musical collections – several variants of the same chant were presented in
succession; either different chants or one and the same chant, but for different choral groups.
As sources all types of Early Russian chants were included into the compilations: the Znamenny, Demestvenny,
Putevoy, Kiev, Greek, monastery traditions, as well as the scores and selected voices of strochny chant polyphony, which
conforms to polynody (when the same hymnographic text is notated in various ways), which is quite characteristic to
the church singing liturgical repertoire of Ancient Rus.
This way, the amplitude of the presented compilations, the complex structure, the diversity of the types of chants,
the reliance on the Early Russian and contemporary monastic traditions make it possible to come up to a conclusion
about the birth in contemporary sacred music of a new type of liturgical repertoire, which connects the past, present
and future of the Russian Orthodox Christian musical art.

Keywords: Russian sacred music, Orthodox Christian obikhod [i.e. liturgical repertoire], compilations of music for
church service, monastery singing tradition.

Article Details

How to Cite
Sheludyakova, O. E. (2017). The New Obikhod of the 20th Century: Compilations of Monastic Liturgical Music of the Late 20th Century. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 93–99.
International Division
Author Biography

Oksana E. Sheludyakova, Urals State M. P. Mussorgsky Conservatory

Dr. Sci. (Arts), Professor at the Music Theory Department


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