The Problem Questions of Contemporary Musicological Terminology

Main Article Content

Olga I. Kulapina


The article is devoted to examination of contemporary approaches, aspects of study, and paths of development
of the terminology of music scholarship comprising the foundation of the conceptual construct of scholarship
which have direct connection with the problem of methodology of musicological research. Noting the remarkable
wealth and omnitude of concepts and incorporating not only musicological but literary and philosophical material,
the author presumes that in comparison with the exact and natural sciences the creative element in humanitarian
sciences is conducive to a freer usage of terms. Relying on the music theory works of Mark Aranovsky, Vyacheslav
Medushevsky, Evgeny Nazaykinsky and Tatiana Tcherednichenko, all of them specialists in the study of terminology in
a methodological context, the article touches upon the following questions: what kinds of terms must be used, in what
way new terms may be introduced into the scholarly context, whether it is possible to come out of a “terminological
collapse,” etc. Stemming from specific musicological writings of Boris Asafiev and Boleslav Yavorsky the consistent
pattern of the evolution of a set of categorical concepts in the academic work of scholars is brought out. The research
work of Tcherednichenko is evaluated as the first attempt at a textual analysis of the fundamental study of Asafiev. Along
with this, the article emphasizes the peculiar polyonymous quality of both the discipline itself (namely, musicology),
and one of its branches (namely, ethnomusicology). From analysis of these names the conclusion is arrived at about
the distinction of the paths of their emergence and development: the synchronous and the diachronic. With the aim in
mind of defining the genuine creators of musicological concepts, including the contemporary ones, the author of the
article proposes gathering together all the available information about terminology into one electronic directory of an
encyclopedic kind, inviting musicologists and researchers of various different directions to join this work.

Keywords: the conceptual construct of scholarship, terminology, methodology of music scholarship, musicology,

Article Details

How to Cite
Kulapina, O. I. (2017). The Problem Questions of Contemporary Musicological Terminology. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 6–13.
Horizonts of Musicology
Author Biography

Olga I. Kulapina, Saratov State L. V. Sobinov Conservatory

Dr. Sci. (Arts), Ph.D. (Philosophy), Professor at the Department of Music Theory and Composition


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