The Role of Musical Computer Technologies in the Training of the Modern Music Teacher

Main Article Content

Irina B. Gorbunova


The advanced technological informational educational milieu
requires the search for new approaches and principally new
systems of teaching. Innovational musical pedagogy is at present
connected with the use of musical computer technologies (MCT)
– a modern effective means for advancing the quality of musical
education on all levels of the educational process. The article
analyzes the processes of informational support which transform
the environment of musicians’ professional activity. Emphasis is
made of the necessity for changes in the activities of the music
teacher and the content of musical education in connection with
the application of digital educational resources. Musical computer
technologies (MCT) and the introduction of devices and methods
of interaction on the internet into the educational process are
examined as possible means for formation of the professional
and informational competency of the professional musician.
MCT are irreplaceable tools for becoming familiar with the high
artistic musical culture of the educational process for various
social groups and also a unique technology for carrying out the
inclusive pedagogical process for teaching music to people with
limited abilities.

Keywords: musical education, advanced technological
informational educational milieu, pedagogy, musical computer

Article Details

How to Cite
Gorbunova, I. B. (2014). The Role of Musical Computer Technologies in the Training of the Modern Music Teacher. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (3), 5–10. Retrieved from
Horizonts of Musicology
Author Biography

Irina B. Gorbunova, Russian State Pedagogical A.I. Herzen University

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences,
Main Research Assistant,
Professor at the Department
of Informational Support of Education


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2. Gorbunova I. B., Demidov M. V., Privalova S. Yu., Chibiryov S. V. Muzyka i informatika: innovatsionnyy uchebnometodicheskiy kompleks [Music and Computer Science: An Innovative Educational and Methodological Complex]. Komp'yuternaya studiya «Mart». Moscow: Edinaya kollektsiya tsifrovykh obrazovatel'nykh resursov [Integral Collection of Digital Educational Resources]. URL:
3. Gorbunova I. B., Zalivadnyy M. S. Informatsionnye tekhnologii v muzyke: uchebnoe posobie [Informational Technologies in Music: Tutorial Manual]. Vol. 4. St. Petersburg: Russian State A. Herzen University Press, 2013. 180 p.
4. Gorbunova I. B., Zalivadnyy M. S., Kibitkina E. V. Muzykal'noe programmirovanie: uchebnoe posobie [Musical Programming: Tutorial Manual]. St. Petersburg: Russian State A. Herzen University Press, 2012. 195 p.
5. Gorbunova I. B., Zalivadnyy M. S. Muzykal'noteoreticheskie vozzreniya Leonarda Eilera: aktual'noe znachenie I perspektivy [Leonhard Euler’s Theoretical Views on Music: The Essential Significance and Perspectives]. Vestnik Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni A. S. Pushkina [Herald of the Leningrad State A. S. Pushkin University], 2012, no. 4 (V. 2), pp. 164–172.
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7. Gorbunova I. B. Informatsionnye tekhnologii v muzyke: uchebnoe posobie [Informational Technologies in Music: Tutorial Manual]. Vol. 1. St. Petersburg: Russian State A. Herzen University Press, 2009. 175 p.
8. Gorbunova I. B. Informatsionnye tekhnologii v muzyke: uchebnoe posobie [Informational Technologies in Music: Tutorial Manual]. Vol. 2: Muzykal'nye sintezatory [Music Synthesizers]. St. Petersburg: Russian State A. Herzen University Press, 2010. 215 p.
9. Gorbunova I. B. Informatsionnye tekhnologii v muzyke: uchebnoe posobie [Information Technologies in Music: Tutorial Manual]. Vol. 3. St. Petersburg: Russian State A. Herzen University Press, 2011. 399 p.
10. Gorbunova I. B., Kibitkina E. V. Muzykal'noe programmirovanie: voprosy podgotovki spetsialistov [Musical Programming: Issues Concerning Training of Specialists]. Iskusstvo i obrazovanie [Art and Education]. 2010, no. 5 (67), pp. 104–111.
11. Gorbunova I. B., Pankova A. A. Komp'yuternaya muzyka: uchebnoe posobie [Computer Music: Tutorial Manual].Vol. 1. St. Petersburg: Russian State A. Herzen University Press, 2013. 190 p.
12. Gorbunova I. B., Rodionov P. D. Digital audio workstation na osnove personal'nogo komp'yutera: uchebnoe posobie [Digital Audio Workstation on the Basis of the Personal Computer: Tutorial Manual]. St. Petersburg: Russian State A. Herzen University Press, 2013. 160 p.
13. Gorbunova I. B., Romanenko M. Yu., Chibiryov S. V. Modelirovanie processa muzykal'nogo tvorchestva s ispol'zovaniem muzykal'no-komp'yuternykh tekhnologiy [Modeling of Process of Musical Creativity with the Use of Musical Computer Technologies]. Vestnik Irkutskogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta [Herald the Irkutsk Technical University]. 2013, no. 4 (75), pp. 16–24.
14. Gorbunova I. B. Fenomen muzykal'no-komp'yuternykh tekhnologiy kak novaya obrazovatel'naya tvorcheskaya sreda [The Phenomenon of Musical Computer Technologies as a New Educational Artistic Medium]. Izvestiya RGPU im. A. I. Gertsena [IZVESTIA: Russian State A.I. Herzen University Journal of Humanities and Sciences]. 2004, no. 4 (9), pp. 123–138.
15. Gorbunova I. B., Chyornaya M. Yu. Elektronnyy muzykal'nyy instrument: uchebnoe posobie [The Electronic Musical Instrument: A Textbook]. Book 2. St. Petersburg: Russian State A. Herzen University Press, 2012. 212 p.

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