The Religious Symbolic Aspects of Dramaturgy, The Image of the Main Protagonist and the Interpretation of his Teaching in Olivier Messiaen’s Opera-Mystery “St. Francis of Assisi”

Main Article Content

Galina E. Kaloshina


The author of the article discloses the religious symbolic aspects
of dramaturgy in Olivier Messiaen’s operamystery
“St. Francis
of Assisi.” An analysis of the libretto and the texts of the hymns
as well as a characterization of St. Francis and his teaching are
presented in the context of the depiction of the life of the saint
and the research of his texts by 20th century scholars. The aims
and the signiicance of St. Francis’ activities, the conceptions of
Absolute Joy and Virtue and the experiences of Turning to God
are examined. The basic role of the cult genres of liturgy, sermon
and prayer lead to the formation of the simultaneous polyspatial
dramaturgy of the mystery. The level of religious symbolism is
formed by the symbols and mythologems of the text, while in
the music they are formed by a system of leitmotifs. The line
of devotional Communions with God delineates the conception
of the Christian tragedy with the episodes of Transiguration in
Scenes 3, 5, 7 and 8, in the zone of the Pristine Light and passing
into Death as a New Life.

Keywords: symbol, mystery, liturgy, prayer, sermon,
simultaneity, Christian tragedy

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How to Cite
Kaloshina, G. E. (2014). The Religious Symbolic Aspects of Dramaturgy, The Image of the Main Protagonist and the Interpretation of his Teaching in Olivier Messiaen’s Opera-Mystery “St. Francis of Assisi”. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 25–30. Retrieved from
Artistic World of Musical Piece
Author Biography

Galina E. Kaloshina, Rostov State S.V. Rachmaninoff Conservatory

Candidate of Arts,
Professor at the Music History Department


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