Epy Theatrical Forms of Realizing of Musical Material: Aspects of Communication

Main Article Content

Natalia Yu. Kireyeva


The article is devoted to a topical trend of art criticism analysis
– the communicative research of the speciicity of realization
of musical theater forms. The organization of the given forms
are examined as a synthetic artisticcommunicative
incorporating visual and audio canals and, as a result of this,
endowed with a special force of impact on the public. The author
substantiates the following scholarly categories: theatricalization,
aesthetic communication and artistic communication. Artistic
communication presents in itself a multilevel system, which
includes in itself: the direct communicative action and metacommunication,
which in its turn contain corresponding levels.
Theatricalized activity presents the opportunity of contacting
the creators of the works of art, as well as those to whom it is
addressed, and in connection with this the issues of activation
of the listeners’ and the viewers’ interest and the broadening
of the artistic auditorium become relevant. Turning toward a
communicative approach when examining topical issues related
to the art of musical theater opens up the possibility of deepening
the perceptions of the speciicity of interactions in the present-day
system of relations between “art and society.”

Keywords: art, theatricalization, communicative system

Article Details

How to Cite
Kireyeva, N. Y. (2014). Epy Theatrical Forms of Realizing of Musical Material: Aspects of Communication. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 122–127. Retrieved from https://musicscholar.ru/index.php/PMN/article/view/71
Music in the System of Culture
Author Biography

Natalia Yu. Kireyeva, Saratov State L.V. Sobinov Conservatory

Candidate of Arts,
Faculty member of the Department of History
and Theory of Performing Art and Musical Pedagogy


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