Russian Concerts of Sacred Music of the 19th and Early 20th Centuries through the Prism of Musical Criticism

Main Article Content

Irina P. Dabayeva


The article reveals the role of musical criticism in the formation
and development of the Russian sacred music concert as a form
of public presentation of church music during the course of the
19th and early 20th century. A list is made of prerevolutionary
newspapers and journals on the pages of which issues of concert
activities of Russian church choirs are discussed and a set of
publications in the journal “Khorovoye i regentskoye delo” [“The
Job of the Chorister and Choirmaster”] connected with this topic
is characterized. Characterization is given to the musicians whose
activities as music critics were conducive to the perfection of
the forms and content of sacred music concerts, among which
were S. Smolensky, A. Nikolsky, N. Kompaneysky, I. Lipayev
and others. The main directions of music criticism are examined:
the principles of compilation of concert programs of the choral
ensembles, the differences between the concert and the church
manners of performance, as well as the development of the
culture of the listeners. The aforementioned issues are extremely
topical at the present time as well.

Keywords: Russian sacred music concerts, musical criticism,
musical periodical editions, the choral
performing style, programs of sacred concerts

Article Details

How to Cite
Dabayeva, I. P. (2014). Russian Concerts of Sacred Music of the 19th and Early 20th Centuries through the Prism of Musical Criticism. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 77–81. Retrieved from
Sacred Music
Author Biography

Irina P. Dabayeva, Rostov State S.V. Rachmaninoff Conservatory

Candidate of Arts,
Professor of the Music Theory
and Composition Department


1. Dukhovnyy kontsert sinodalnykh pevchikh [Sacred Concerts Sung by Singers of the Synod]. Russkaya muzihkal’naya gazeta [Russian Musical Newspaper]. 1906, no. 42, pp. 951–952.
2. Kastal’skiy A. D. Avtobiograiya [Autobiography]. Moscow, 1913. The M.I. Glinka State Central Museum of Musical Culture. Fund 12. Depositary 439. 24 p.
3. Kompaneyskiy N. I. Kruzhok lyubiteley tserkovnogo peniya [The Circle of Amateur Singers of Church Music]. Muzikal’niy truzhenik [Musical Worker]. 1909, no. 19, pp. 8–10.
4. Kontserty khora Arkhangel’skogo [Concerts of the Archangelsky Choir]. Russkaya muzykal’naya gazeta [Russian Musical Newspaper]. 1911, no. 45, pp. 347.
5. Korrespondentsii. Zhitomir, Volynskoy gubernii [Correspondence. Zhitomir, Volyn gubernia]. Khorovoe i regentskoe delo [The Job of the Chorister and the Choirmaster]. 1912 no. 12, p. 230.
6. Nikolov A. Po povodu kontserta Tserkovnopevcheskogo blagotvoritel’nogo obschestva [Concerning a Concert of the Beneiciary Society of Church Singers]. Russkaya muzihkal’naya gazeta [Russian Musical Newspaper]. 1906, no. 12, pp. 307–311.
7. Nikol’skiy A. Korrespondentsii. Moskva [Correspondence. Moscow]. Khorovoe i regentskoe delo [The Job of the Chorister and the Choirmaster]. 1910, no. 1, pp. 49–50 .
8. Po dukhovnyym kontsertam [Concerning Sacred Concerts]. Khorovoe i regentskoe delo [The Job of the Chorister and the Choirmaster]. 1913, no. 4, pp. 64–67.
9. S[molensk]iy S. Ob ozdorovlenii programm dukhovnykh kontsertov v Moskve [About the Improving the Programs of Sacred Concerts in Moscow]. Russkaya muzihkal’naya gazeta [Russian Musical Newspaper]. 1900, no. 47, pp. 1145–1148.
10. Khronika. Sankt-Peterburg [Current Events. Saint Peters burg]. Russkaya muzihkal’naya gazeta [Russian Musical Newspaper]. 1901, no. 40, pp. 964–96 6.
11. Khronika [Current Events]. Khorovoe i regentskoe delo [The Job of the Choral Singer and Choirmaster]. 1909, no. 1, p. 24.