Protestant Choral of the Period of German Reformation as a Form of Social and Cultural of Expression of the Renaissance Humanistic Ideals

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Galina N. Dombrauskene


This article is devoted to the study of the Protestant chorale of the era of German Reformation. This musical and poetic genre was formed under specific historical and socio-cultural conditions by means of molding the new religious experience into a miniature musical-poetic masterpiece. The author focuses on specific socio-cultural conditions that shaped the Protestant musical tradition. The author notes the influence of humanistic ideals of the Renaissance in the process of hymn writing, the increased role of the author’s position, and active desire to update the musical language of modern means of expression. All these resulted in securing Protestant hymn and honorable and productive place in the space of musical culture.

Keywords: Protestant choral, the art of Reformation, German culture

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How to Cite
Dombrauskene, G. N. (2010). Protestant Choral of the Period of German Reformation as a Form of Social and Cultural of Expression of the Renaissance Humanistic Ideals. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (2), 61–64. Retrieved from
History of Western Music
Author Biography

Galina N. Dombrauskene, Marine State University named after Admiral G. I. Nevelsky, Vladivostok

Candidate of Arts, Docent of the Department of History of Arts and Culture


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