The Work of Kamil Mutyga in the Context of Forming the Stage Professionalism in Vocal Art of Tatars

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Idris M. Gaziev


The article considers the art of famous Tatar singer of the early 20th century, Kamil Mutyga, in the context of forming the stage professionalism in the vocal art of Tatars. The author analyzes the concert repertoire, the manner of singing, based on the gramophone recordings and recollections of singer’s contemporaries.

Keywords: IMusic of Tatarstan, stage professionalism, vocal art, gramophone recordings

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How to Cite
Gaziev, I. M. (2011). The Work of Kamil Mutyga in the Context of Forming the Stage Professionalism in Vocal Art of Tatars. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 8(1), 43–45. Retrieved from
Musical Life of Russia in 19th-20th Centuries


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3. Маклыгин А. Л. Музыкальные культуры Среднего Поволжья: становление профессионализма / Казанcкая гос. консерватория. – Казань: КГК, 2000.
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