Returning to a Soviet Musical Classic (about Reinhold Gliere’s Ballet “The Bronze Horseman”)

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Alexander I. Demchenko
Yulya G. Filippova


The article focuses itself on Reinhold Gliere’s ballet “The Bronze Horseman,” which the authors interpret as a musical and choreographic narration about the life of Russia and of the drama of man. The dramaturgy is viewed through the prism of several historical epochs: from the times of Peter the Great, via St. Petersburg of the time of Pushkin and up to the Stalin era.

Keywords: “The Bronze Horseman,” the era of Peter the Great,

St. Petersburg of the time of Pushkin, the “Stalin empire style,” dramaturgical strata

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How to Cite
Demchenko, A. I., & Filippova, Y. G. (2013). Returning to a Soviet Musical Classic (about Reinhold Gliere’s Ballet “The Bronze Horseman”). Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 11(2), 239–243. Retrieved from
Сultural Heritage in Historical Perspective