The Inner Modus of Baroque Form: Thematic Structuring

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Vitaly A. Shuranov


The article forms the second part of a research “diptych,” the beginning of which was formed by an article published in the magazine “Problemy muzykal’noy nauki,” 2010, N. 1 (10). The vertical hierarchical conception of Baroque form is vindicated here through the characteristics of the thematic principles of structuring. At the core of the methodology the concept of “inner form” is preserved, which presents a modus as a structuring force, the molding energy of which is the semantic energy and traces back to the Image of the World predominant in the Baroque period.

Keywords: Baroque musical form, modality, thematicism

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How to Cite
Shuranov, V. A. (2012). The Inner Modus of Baroque Form: Thematic Structuring. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, 11(2), 208–213. Retrieved from
Musical Poetics, Rhetoric and Semantics


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