The Tradition of Polyphonic Singing of the Adyghes

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Beslan G. Ashkhotov


The material for this longstanding research was provided by the rich folk song legacy of the Adyghes, which
covers the various stages of development of ethnic musical genres, from archaic genres of mythological content
to the heroic-historical and lyrical songs of the late 19th century. The originality of the performance of most of the
genres examined in the context of multilevel connections of the soloist and the chorus contains mutually directed
vectors between the musical information itself, the genre, the epochs, the performers and the audiences. All of
this is projected onto the musical form of collective singing, which becomes a basic model of the relationships of
the correlates of the song texture. Therefore the main accent of the phenomenon of Adyghe polyphonic musical
thinking is expressed in dialogueness in the broadest meaning of this concept. The alternating textures of solo and
ensemble singing in the Adyghe songs contain two types of localizations – the vertical and the horizontal. The first
one determines the concrete type of polyphony – heterophonic, stretto, bourdon or the contrasting (polyphonized).
The second one discloses the compositional forms of interaction in their dispersion, where the functional and
dramaturgical exponents of each stratum of the single texture are differentiated.

Keywords: the music of the Adyghes, polyphony, flexible bourdon, creativity of ethnofares, djeguakue in song

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How to Cite
Ashkhotov, B. G. (2016). The Tradition of Polyphonic Singing of the Adyghes. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (4), 117–124.
International Division
Author Biography

Beslan G. Ashkhotov, Severo-Kavkazskiy gosudarstvennyy institut iskusstv / Northern Caucasus State Institute of Arts

Pro-rector of studies,
Dr. Sci. (Arts), Professor at the Music History
and Music Theory Department


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