The Chaliapin Hall of the Ufa Institute for the Arts: Obtaining a Name

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Elena K. Karpova


May 2016 was marked by a memorable jubilee – the 125th anniversary of the performance of the great artist
Feodor Chaliapin in Ufa on the Stage of the Nobility Assembly (presently the building of the Ufa State Institute
of the Arts). The lengthy process, one that is very laborious for Russian culture, of returning the fame of the great
singer to his homeland may be observed on the example of Bashkortostan. The pages of history connected with
Chaliapin’s operatic debut in the private theatrical enterprise of Semyon Semyonov-Samarsky (1890/1891), the
solo performance at a concert of the Society of Fans of Singing, Music and Dramatic Art. The rehabilitation of
the name of the great singer in the years after World War II took place in complex conditions. A great role in the
immortalization of the memory of Chaliapin in Ufa was played by musician and artist, bass singer, Merited Activist
of the Arts of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic Boris Yakovlevich Torik. As a result of his initiative
for the first time a memorial tablet in honor of Feodor Chaliapin was put up on the wall of the former Ufa Nobility
Assembly (1967). Torik played the role of Chaliapin in the televised film of the Bashkir Studio, which became an act
of homage to the great names of Sergei Rachmaninoff and Feodor Chaliapin (1970). Active work of the Ufa Branch
of the International Chaliapin Center (1992) was directed for many years by the leader of the Chaliapin movement
in the republic – Galina Alexandrovna Belskaya. A considerable number of events connected with the history of the
Concert Hall: its being named after Chaliapin, the renovation of the memorial tablet, mounting of a statue of the
artist, etc. The great talent of the ingenious singer serves as an impulse for emergence of new cultural projects in

Keywords: Feodor Chaliapin, Chaliapin in Ufa, the Chaliapin movement, B. Ya. Torik, G.A. Belskaya.

Article Details

How to Cite
Karpova, E. K. (2016). The Chaliapin Hall of the Ufa Institute for the Arts: Obtaining a Name. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (3), 107–113.
Area Studies in Music
Author Biography

Elena K. Karpova, Ufimskiy gosudarstvennyy institut iskusstv im. Zagira Ismagilova / Ufa State Institute of Arts named after Zagir Ismagilov

PhD (Arts), Professor at the Music History Department


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