The Practice of Ensemble Music-Making and the Baroque Clavier Musical Text

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Elena V. Gordeyeva


Every work of art and its notated document are connected with a certain culture of historical time. The early
clavier musical text (the urtext) of the Baroque period reflects the fanciful diversity of types and forms of music
making, combining together practical ensemble traditions and compositional techniques. The special features of
the musical practice of the Baroque period exerted their influence on the structure and content of clavier texts.
These traditions and techniques have been embedded in the solo and ensemble clavier texts in the guise of such
basic principles as the presenсe in a convolved appearance of score notation; reflection of acoustical images of
orchestral musical instruments; a dialogic principle of the composition’s construction; variability of unfolding of the
performers’ musical text. The clavier musical texts of the Baroque period fixated in their graphic notation the basic
characteristics of the culture of music making in the Baroque period, having become an original type of notographic
mirror of the music making epoch.

Keywords: clavier urtext, ensemble music making, musical culture of the Baroque period.

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How to Cite
Gordeyeva, E. V. (2016). The Practice of Ensemble Music-Making and the Baroque Clavier Musical Text. Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal’noj Nauki, (3), 72–79.
Musical Text and its Performer
Author Biography

Elena V. Gordeyeva, Ufimskiy gosudarstvennyy institut iskusstv im. Zagira Ismagilova / Ufa State Institute of Arts named after Zagir Ismagilov

PhD (Arts), Senior Faculty Member at the Piano
Departament and the Departament
of Pop-Jazz Performance,
Research assistant at the Laboratory
of Musical Semantics


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